In case you are unfamiliar with her, Tawny Little was a former Miss America
who became a newscaster in L.A.. Her main qualifications were that she
could read a teleprompter and looked great, mostly the latter.
Anyway one day I was at a book show with some friends in L.A. when we
spotted Tawny there with a camera crew filming the event. Of course, I
commented on how great Tawny looked to my friends. Then I fantasized out
loud what a date with her would be like. My friends egged me on and I
theorized that she was so much of a celeb and so hot looking that guys were
scared to ask her out (I didn't even know whether or not she was married at
the time). According to my theory, Tawny was lonely because guys were too
intimidated to ask her out and that if one merely walked up to her and
asked for a date, she would accept.
Of course this was merely me theorizing. But as I said, my friends were
egging me on and said that I was too chicken to follow through on my
theory. Actually they were right. Yeah, right in the middle of a taping
break, me, a total stranger, is going to ask Tawny Little on a date with
her crew looking on? No way! But then I got to thinking-----The worst that
could possibly happen is that she would say no. It would still be a great
memory for me in later years to look back upon when Tawny, with a friendly
smile on her face would politely reject my advance.
So with that in mind I boldly walked up to Tawny and flat out asked her to
join me for a drink when she was done taping. As I stated before the very
worst that could happen would be that she would say no. I was
wrong.........The worst that could happen would be that she would say
NOTHING. Yes, that is exactly what happened. She just looked at me with
complete disgust that I would even dare to approach the mighty Tawny. It
was like she didn't say anything because she wouldn't even waste her breath
on a reply. All that was left for me to do was slither away back to my
friends with whatever dignity I had left (none).
Well, here it is-----years later and I don't have that great memory that I
thought I would. But at least I do have a funny memory (not funny at the
time) about my Tawny Little encounter. Hey, that's still something anyway!
"Clinton's Turkey" Comix
Interesting reading. I crossed paths with Tawny when we were in school in Toronto. She was only there for a year or two, before her family moved to the US. I think her original name was Tanya Godin, until she told us to start calling her "Tawny". She didn't mix too much with the boys at middle school age; we were probably too immature for her. Anyways, I was very surprised to learn that she became Miss America years later (1976). I remember her, as Miss America, recounting to the media how she had to learn how to fit in with Canadian kids, as if we were a foreign-speaking people in a previously undiscovered land (perhaps, we are). I also remember thinking that she probably didn't have any really close friends, as a young teenager. That was a bit sad. But later, I thought "wow, she's rubbing elbows (and other parts) with celebs in L.A." She's had her fair share of good moments in life.