Ed Flanders of St. Elsewhere fame killed himself 2 years ago. My
question is why? He was a fine actor and from what I hear, a stand up
guy. Anyone know the real skinny? Thanks.
Damn... Shitty thing about the internet is nothing ever gets deleted. I was twelve when you started this cute little chat. I wonder if the idiots would have survived the 22 years it took for Ed's youngest son to find it. Regardless, for any of us to know what the real skinny was, we'd have to had been in the room where it happened.
I get called Ned too, ya know? I always smile a little and give a sly chuckle while holding back the urge to strangle the person. I empathize though; nothing like making light of the misery of others. Nothing more brilliant than that.
What you don't deserve to know is that he was a human being who felt too much. Much more than too many. If the world had any real sense of truth, deaths like these would be private things, and would be more rare, because there would be people there to help. Or maybe not. It doesn't matter anyway.
Perhaps, people are different now. Maybe they would consider the child whose most formative memory is one of misery, before slobbery all over the keyboard and an artist's memory. Shit, some of you are probably dead too. What happened there? What's the real skinny?