David DTW
2009-12-27 00:10:02 UTC
A family member of Eydie Gormé has written on alt.gossip.celebrities
that the singer from Steve and Eydie fame is nearing death.
Newsgroups: alt.gossip.celebrities
From: Chana Leibowitz
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2009 12:37:23 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Prayers for Eydie Gorme
Most of you know Eydie Gorme as the talented songstress of the
entertainment duo Steve & Eydie, with her longtime husband Steve
Lawrence. For me, the connection is much deeper. Technically, she is
my third or fourth cousin removed, from what family relatives have
told me over the years. But growing up, "Aunt Eyd" (pronounced EEED)
was like my second mother.
The festive mood of this holiday season has been tempered in the many
Leibowitz-Gormezano households (Steve & Eydie's family birthnames) by
a disturbing revelation: Aunt Eyd, who has not been in the best of
health in recent years and no longer tours with her love and partner
Steve onstage, has been in and out of hospital and medical facilities
in November and December having numerous tests after malignent tumours
were discovered on her pancreas, liver, and elsewhere. Her prognosis
is not good, with the cancer inoperable and no options for treatment.
She is relatively young -- only 78 (that's for the benefit of public
information...but truth be told, Eydie Gorme in reality is 81...back
in the day, it was common for entertainers, especially women, to trim
a few years off their real ages in their celebrity bios!).
I know that Eydie and Steve split time these days between homes in Las
Vegas and Beverly Hills. Few know about the troubled times Eyd has
been through, especially when the couple's youngest of two sons
tragically passed away in the mid-'80s, so young, only in his early
twentys. Having to go through the agony of a parent outliving a child
took a devastating toll on Aunt Eyd. On the stage, she was still the
vibrant Eydie Gorme that fans were accustomed to. But off, a far
different story.
Few are aware, too, that Eydie Gorme may well have turned into one of
our best actresses, if it hadn't been for her fluctuating weight gains
and losses. Looking back on those years, I'm thinking that yo-yo
effect may well have something to do with her current health crisis.
Movie studio moguls and powerful big-name directors loved her on-
screen magic, but could not trust her because of the emotional
rollercoaster she always seemed to be riding, which translated into
and worsened a middle-aged woman's eating disorder. But it was
As happens in many families, Eyd and I went on with our lives and
personally have not been very close in the last 15, 20 years. But I
hope Aunt Eyd knows that my thoughts and prayers are with her. And
I'll simply say how much I remember the most fondest memories, as a
young girl, having the priviledge of being backstage at the Johnny
Carson show, or working the phones at the Jerry Lewis muscular
distrophy telethons, while the Grammy- and Emmy-winning Steve & Eydie
were thrilling their audiences with some of the best songs in history
and some of the funniest slapstick ever. Boy could Eyd sing! She even
entertained during family get-togethers, and she loved it as much as
we did. She is probably never mentioned when people talk about our
greatest female crooners, but she is surely underrated. I was
heartened today when I searched around the computer and came across
one of my favorite clips of Eyd from her TV days, with Carol Burnett:
God Bless, Eydie (and Steve, too).
With much sadness, interfused with my love.
Your "ChaCha"
that the singer from Steve and Eydie fame is nearing death.
Newsgroups: alt.gossip.celebrities
From: Chana Leibowitz
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2009 12:37:23 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Prayers for Eydie Gorme
Most of you know Eydie Gorme as the talented songstress of the
entertainment duo Steve & Eydie, with her longtime husband Steve
Lawrence. For me, the connection is much deeper. Technically, she is
my third or fourth cousin removed, from what family relatives have
told me over the years. But growing up, "Aunt Eyd" (pronounced EEED)
was like my second mother.
The festive mood of this holiday season has been tempered in the many
Leibowitz-Gormezano households (Steve & Eydie's family birthnames) by
a disturbing revelation: Aunt Eyd, who has not been in the best of
health in recent years and no longer tours with her love and partner
Steve onstage, has been in and out of hospital and medical facilities
in November and December having numerous tests after malignent tumours
were discovered on her pancreas, liver, and elsewhere. Her prognosis
is not good, with the cancer inoperable and no options for treatment.
She is relatively young -- only 78 (that's for the benefit of public
information...but truth be told, Eydie Gorme in reality is 81...back
in the day, it was common for entertainers, especially women, to trim
a few years off their real ages in their celebrity bios!).
I know that Eydie and Steve split time these days between homes in Las
Vegas and Beverly Hills. Few know about the troubled times Eyd has
been through, especially when the couple's youngest of two sons
tragically passed away in the mid-'80s, so young, only in his early
twentys. Having to go through the agony of a parent outliving a child
took a devastating toll on Aunt Eyd. On the stage, she was still the
vibrant Eydie Gorme that fans were accustomed to. But off, a far
different story.
Few are aware, too, that Eydie Gorme may well have turned into one of
our best actresses, if it hadn't been for her fluctuating weight gains
and losses. Looking back on those years, I'm thinking that yo-yo
effect may well have something to do with her current health crisis.
Movie studio moguls and powerful big-name directors loved her on-
screen magic, but could not trust her because of the emotional
rollercoaster she always seemed to be riding, which translated into
and worsened a middle-aged woman's eating disorder. But it was
As happens in many families, Eyd and I went on with our lives and
personally have not been very close in the last 15, 20 years. But I
hope Aunt Eyd knows that my thoughts and prayers are with her. And
I'll simply say how much I remember the most fondest memories, as a
young girl, having the priviledge of being backstage at the Johnny
Carson show, or working the phones at the Jerry Lewis muscular
distrophy telethons, while the Grammy- and Emmy-winning Steve & Eydie
were thrilling their audiences with some of the best songs in history
and some of the funniest slapstick ever. Boy could Eyd sing! She even
entertained during family get-togethers, and she loved it as much as
we did. She is probably never mentioned when people talk about our
greatest female crooners, but she is surely underrated. I was
heartened today when I searched around the computer and came across
one of my favorite clips of Eyd from her TV days, with Carol Burnett:
God Bless, Eydie (and Steve, too).
With much sadness, interfused with my love.
Your "ChaCha"