Suicide of Ron Marquette aka: Ronny Marquette
(too old to reply)
2014-07-12 09:04:59 UTC
He's death mystery
2016-06-15 17:22:29 UTC
This is what is sad it's no mystery I was Ronnie's best friend I knew everything about his doings my only concern here is people are fucking obsessed with my bro and have tried aggressively tried to convince me they knew this they knew that .....they knew nothing I was the first to get the call from Dede the first to know what he was doing that day the first to go identify him with his mother at the morgue where his body was stolen the first to see how crooked the Hollywood cops are the first to tell his family of his death and dede u damn well know it's not suicide so why am I speaking out now cause they ain't shit in todays Hollywood I've done three shows over this David .k has stopped them all my life became in danger over this crap read the police report it's total bullshit dthe dear hunter give me a break the niehbor heard two gun shots and he changed his story as the threats must have got to him this took 10 years out of my life so a mystery I call bullshit dede kept saying sorry to me she knows it's bullshit too as I'm the only one she called right after it cause she knew I knew why he was there Ronny told me everything and we talked about her and what was about to.happen so no mystery I'm not saying it but if it wasn't suicide then you decide on what the real truth is and if dede ever wants to clear her name sweetie then I'm all ears all respects and with nothing but love I'm not ever going to accuse anyone in fact I wanted it to be suicide that's how fucking lame the police were and dede story on the report was second dede u remeber my dear why when you called and I asked you to tell me the truth did you say I'm so sorry ...im so sorry she knows I know but the rest of the world thinks mystery if you knew my bro Ronny read her statement to police if that isn't the most retarded fucking thing I've ever heard loom this is a heavy injustice so I must protect myself but I died that day to so I don't know who's site this is or what this is all about but your over twenty years late but for the record Ronny didn't kill himself and that j would bet my life on trust me this got so disturbing I wanted to be true but it ain't true so that my friends is how the power of a Hollywood family gets away with well it ain't rocket science may my bro rest in peace there's not a day that gods by so your mystery just got a truth from a person who not only knew what he was gonna do but he discussed it with me how concerned and if I can't have u no one can type of personality she was and still is she still obsesses like many so do your homework but was a true crime just like bradon Lee and river Phoenix may the all get justice peace and love even to you dede as you live with it .....I died with it!!!!!!!!!!
2016-07-18 15:15:58 UTC
I would appreciate if those who think they know by rumors and not facts to be respectful as yes he does have a son A marqua who we were both going to visit in Hawaii for my birthday after he broke up with dede he was very proud that he became a father and as usual was excited to bring me to see him but one thing was really worried him and that was how to leave dede with out her freaking out as he put it shes the type if I can't have you no one can and she can call me anytime or you the readers can interview us both and you decide as innocent untill proven guilty still is in my belief the right thing so I'm not saying anything that isn't true she knows it and I know it I've stayed silent for over 20 years so no he wasn't on drugs ...no he didn't have aids ...and no he didn't kill himself can I prove it sure I can why don't I go to the police give me a break they told me to move and to accept suicide or else sounds like a Hollywood novel it is ...... I did everything to believe it was suicide but the more I saw and read the more I wished it was suicide ....folks it's simple I can prove it just tell dede to talk to me for five minutes and this matter will be cleared up once and for all and trust me I'll give nothing but respect but she knows I know and she probably thought I died or was out of her hair ....but sweetheart I'm just getting started over 20 years I've been silent I think the truth about my best friend deserves to be told that why dede called me and only me saying she was sorry my reply was dede what did you do her reply I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry then she hung up !!!!!!! Rumors are for those who don't walk in truth so who know the truth about my best friend who I loved dearly as he loved me back the same ....prove your truth cause I can and my truth never changes I died with him that day rip my brother and for all who read this be kind and God bless!!!!!
2016-07-30 17:06:07 UTC
Too clear up any rumors about my best friend Ronny ....this was all a big cover up and crime if anyo NE in law enforcement can get a copy of her statements that day and then dead other statements she has given about that morning you will see her story doesn't even come close to her original statement there was a wittness who heard two gun shots and I was the one she called that day saying she was sorry she didn't mean too the cops threatend me and I'm now here to tell the world after 20 years nearly be did not kill himself ......r.I.p my brother
2016-08-03 03:04:02 UTC
Dee dee knows what happened I know what happened so get her on this site and just watch how she folds as she called me right after and that's the beginning of her down fall I'm back dee dee!!!!!!
2017-04-09 23:02:00 UTC
Post by c***@gmail.com
Dee dee knows what happened I know what happened so get her on this site and just watch how she folds as she called me right after and that's the beginning of her down fall I'm back dee dee!!!!!!
I feel your pain GC... still to this day. It's me, Carolyn. I came to visit you and took your statement (which I STILL have). I spoke with the witness who said he heard TWO SHOTS. I also read in Dedee's own writing (a letter to Ronny) that said, "If I can't have you, no one can" ...

Please get in touch with me so we can make this right.
2017-04-09 23:09:34 UTC
Post by c***@gmail.com
Dee dee knows what happened I know what happened so get her on this site and just watch how she folds as she called me right after and that's the beginning of her down fall I'm back dee dee!!!!!!
My (on camera) interview with the show, Hardcopy, which included my independent investigation of details never before revealed, was 'mysteriously' axed just hours before it was to air. I'm sure David Kelly and Michelle Pfeiffer had their hand in that.
2020-08-04 03:58:38 UTC
Aronnie Marqua
2020-11-05 21:44:19 UTC
Post by z***@gmail.com
Hey just only seeing this i am interested in speaking further please shoot me an email . ***@gmail.com
Paige Pooler
2021-01-29 18:34:25 UTC
Not sure I'm of any help here. I lived right below Ronny and was home when it happened. I recall hearing just one gunshot but honestly, more clearly than that, I remember the most terrified scream that followed immediately after. I will never forget her scream. I had accidentally left my keys in the laundry room earlier that day so I couldn't immediately access the stairway to his apartment. (my entrance was another door). Another neighbor was able to immediately run up though. I immediately ran across the street to the Fire Station looking for help (unbelievably, no one came out as I banged on doors) and then, I ran down the street and actually found a police officer to come up (there was a lot of traffic on the street at that time but I remember thinking that damn officer was moving too slowly). Regardless, it was mere minutes before authorities were there. I spoke to his brother (I believe it was his brother) sometime later when they were doing their own investigation. I know the family believed things weren't on the up and up. I had heard (and of course, I don't know if this is true) that it had been Russian roulette with the worst outcome. I'm not even sure who told me that...possibly the other neighbor, maybe his brother. Again, I am so so sorry for your loss...and I'm not sure if my chiming in is of any help at all. I had just thought about it and did a web search to see if there'd ever been more discovered. Ronny seemed like a nice guy. I'd only met him briefly. Mostly, I just heard his loud vehicle(s) coming and going.
Post by z***@gmail.com
2020-08-04 03:56:16 UTC
Hi there,

I’m very interested in your story and potentially turning it into a documentary. Please respond if you’re interested in speaking further.
Aronnie Marqua
2021-05-30 05:38:16 UTC
Post by z***@gmail.com
Hi there,
I’m very interested in your story and potentially turning it into a documentary. Please respond if you’re interested in speaking further.
Hey man are you still around??
Zach Fineblum
2021-09-03 02:50:30 UTC
Post by Aronnie Marqua
Post by z***@gmail.com
Hi there,
I’m very interested in your story and potentially turning it into a documentary. Please respond if you’re interested in speaking further.
Hey man are you still around??
Yes I'm here! I'm still very interested in this story. Please email me at ***@gmail.com!
no n#ame
2022-05-07 19:13:00 UTC
Post by Aronnie Marqua
Post by z***@gmail.com
Hi there,
I’m very interested in your story and potentially turning it into a documentary. Please respond if you’re interested in speaking further.
Hey man are you still around??
I would say DKelley and MPfeiffer will do everything they can to stop any documentary or story on Dedee's involvement. They are way high up on the hollywood food chain now.....be careful.
2017-04-07 15:29:32 UTC
Hi this is aaron marqua who is this ???