NY Times Critic's Pick 'Valentino's Ghost' up for Oscar Nomination (2014)
‘Valentino’s Ghost’ film makes US theatrical debut in Los Angeles and New York
‘Valentino’s Ghost’ film (http://www.valentinosghost.com) makes its US theatrical debut in Los Angeles (at Laemmle Playhouse 7 in Pasadena: https://www.laemmle.com/films/37079) and at the Quad Cinema (http://www.quadcinema.com/) in Greenwich Village (New York City) from May 17th-23rd (James Morris is in the film as well via his exchange with former 9/11 Commission co-chair Lee Hamilton from the http://tinyurl.com/911motivation youtube with over half a million views).
VALENTINO‘S GHOST a documentary by Michael Singh:
Following is the Facebook picture for ‘Valentino’s Ghost’ screening in Los Angeles and New York City:
New York Times: Hollywood Does Arabia, From A to B
‘Valentino’s Ghost,’ a Documentary by Michael Singh
Los Angeles Times Review: ‘Valentino’s Ghost’ hits media’s portrayal of Arabs, Muslims
Tracing America’s Relationship to the Middle East in Valentino’s Ghost
Why We Hate Them: Arabs in Western Eyes (by Philip Giraldi)
A new PBS documentary reveals how films and other media have shaped an anti-Muslim narrative (see the comments at bottom as well):
Valentino’s Ghost (New Edition):
NMR Testimonial: Filmmaker Michael Singh & the documentary Valentino’s Ghost
Thanks to Prof Tamara Sonn, College of William and Mary for her review:
List on IMDb names Valentino’s Ghost as “Oscar Probable”:
‘Valentino’s Ghost’ writer/director Michael Singh on the Kathleen Wells show out of Los Angeles on May 22, 2013:
L.A. Filmmaker aims to show American stereotypes about the Middle East (see comments at bottom of following URL):
‘Valentino’s Ghost’ and the Arab Problem:
‘Valentino’s Ghost’ screened to standing ovations last year at the Venice Film Festival (world’s oldest and most prestigious) and at the Doha Tribeca Film Festival in Qatar:
PBS sent a shortened one hour version (still including the exchange James Morris had with Lee Hamilton from the http://tinyurl.com/911motivation youtube) of ‘Valentino’s Ghost’ to its national affiliates on June 1st, 2013:
Thanks to PBS SoCal (KOCE) for broadcasting the one hour version of ‘Valentino’s Ghost’ (www.valentinosghost.com & http://tinyurl.com/valentinosghostinUS) this coming Saturday (July 6th) at 9 PM!:
PS: PBS Hawaii, PBS Colorado, PBS West Virginia & PBS US Virgin Islands have already aired ‘Valentino’s Ghost’. Hopefully other PBS US affiliates will follow suit!
Post by AmericaFirstNowhttp://america-hijacked.com/2013/05/15/valentinos-ghost-film-makes-its-us-theatrical-debut-in-los-angeles-and-nyc/