Post by d***@gmail.comnot surprised to hear so many think he's gay. many top actors are because gays are consummate actors and fakers to get what they want. they can dissociate themselves and thus act so well and yes it is a type of mental illness.i may enjoy watching them as actors but once they come out, its over, i can't enjoy watching them after that because then they have ruined it for themselves as an actor because then all we can see is their gayness and be disgusted with them for being perverts. if they want to be successful they should stay in the closet.
My name is John and if anyone wants to know who I really am I'll tell them.
Now to the subject at hand, I have read all the rubbish above and I am amazed at the vitriol some people spew out. What difference does all this make, does it fill starving kids bellies, stop bombs and shells from raining down on them or give them clean water. Have you all thought that all this gossip about people is nothing more that the modern equivalent of 'over the garden wall'.
Personally, I don't care what people are or do, if the're Gay or miserable, prefer females or males good looking camels or whatever provided they keep it to themselves. I object strongly to the way the gay community attempt to humiliate others such as Nuns and the way they have hijacked society. I can only assume that they had so much dirt on so many in high places and could threaten, or those they had nothing on were just afraid they may have. There is a joke that is probably politically incorrect but I'll say it anyway "In the UK during the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries homosexuality was punishable by death, in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century it was punishable by imprisonment, in the nineteen fifties it became permissible between consenting parties, so I came to Australia before they made it compulsory". I don't approve of homosexuality and certainly gay marriage, my main reason is that it makes an absolute mockery of my sixty six years of marriage to some one that nature designed for procreation. As you can see I am now a very old and no I am not a woser or a religious fanatic, in fact I am an atheist and completely unafraid of rudeness and nastiness that certain foul mouthed people might throw at me. It saddens me how many obviously intelligent are unable to express themselves without the use of obscenities. It's more than likely I'll never visit this site again, I only came upon it because I am interested in backgrounds and history of actors and 'actresses' (another politically incorrect word) past and present, some of which is fascinating, such as, I found out that Glen Ford was a naval flag officer during WW2 working in secret services.