matches now valid/confirm my matches
(too old to reply)
David Dalton
2021-11-28 05:05:30 UTC
The many possible optimally sexually compatible matches,
some of them between celebrities and other rich people.
that I list on the “various matches” thread on alt.religion.druid
should now be valid even if they weren’t before, owing to
the following factors:

1. the adjustments by God of spells that I have funnelled have
occurred, and this includes adjustments of the three sexual
shielding spells (all of which Lady Gaga has or had on).
Before adjustment they would ward off for bifs (women
attracted to both genders) attention from straight-type-2 men
(compatible only with bifs), other bifs, and lesbians, and
allow attention from partially compatible (less than optimally
compatible and less likely to stick) bims (males attracted to
both genders) and straight-type-1 males, and incompatible
gays who are targeting/deceiving women. After adjustment
it now does the reverse. But that means that any partially
compatible relationship a bif with such a spell up was in
has been broken up, and she (e.g. Kim Kardashian with Ye)
has to cancel the spell if she wishes to keep the relationship.

2. The regular, additional, and further higher dimensional
body edits have occurred. As part of that old locks other
than the one between me and Sarah McLachlan that had
lasted at least three years have been dissolved, leaving
the straight-type-2 now available to bis (attracted to
both genders) of the opposite gender. Foe example
Jack Nicholson should now be available to some or
all (ha) of Alice Munro, Judi Dench, Stevie Nicks,
Emmylou Harris, Madonna, Tina Turner, and Sharon Stone,
and any age difference shouldn’t matter much after the
sudden magickal physical evolution. Also the sexual
harmonics of 3% of humans have been adjusted for
better sexual compatibility, most often in the case of
now formerly gay lesbian platonic/parenting couples
who have at least one child under 16, including adoptive
or fetus.

3. the split of homo sapiens globally into 55 species
has occurred at least in terms of compatibility, which
means that some of the matches I listed which
otherwise would be less rare are now more rare
since they have to be within species

4. the assisted shaktipat (which I discuss on the thread
“assisted shaktipat, yet again” on alt.religion.druid
has occurred. That means that my and Sarah McLachlan’s
old lock has been widened, and indeed there is now
a separate wide lock for each member of the group
me+a.s.r. For example I (a straight-type-2-M) formerly
could get only Sarah McLachlan but now am available
to all bifs who are assisted shaktipat recipients (a.s.r.)
and are 18 or older and are in my species. But if
there is a (sometimes newly) optimally compatible 1--1
lock between an a.s.r. and a non-a.s.r. that is maintained
as well (e.g. a.s.r. Beyonce and non-a.s.r. Jay-Z). Anyway
all that means that matches I list involving a.s.r. are
now as rare as I said they are (e.g. Angela Merkel
and Cyndi Lauper’s partner, see the thread for matches
for Cyndi and for Angela’s partner). And now indeed
7% of fomerly partially compatible relationships involving
at least one a.s.r. have been broken up instead of
becoming optimally sexually compatible, and unfortunately
that includes Joe and Jill Biden who must have had
a temporary breakup in the last five years (I list matches
on that thread for each of them). And as part of the
assisted shaktipat over a million but fewer than two
million a.s.r. should now have matchmaking ability as
good as I had from Match 8 to 20, 2019 and from April 9
to July 2, 2021, and should be able to confirm my matches.

If you are an a.s.r. you will be able to confirm my matches
and do new ones of your own, including non-celebrity and
local to the circle of those you know or just know of, though
you can’t do it just from a name but would have to do it
in person (including by touch if you are deaf and blind),
from a picture, from an audio recording, from a video,
or from memory of any of those. And even if you are
not an a.s.r. but have regular diviner special ability or
a subset ability that can be used for readings (e.g.
card divination, crystal ball, mirror scrying, tea leaves,
astrology, palmistry, runes, ogham, I Ching, more)
you should be able to confirm my matches and any
done by an a.s.r. And those involved in the matches
(e.g. Jeff Bezos with Queen Letizia; see the thread for
discussion of those they are involved with or have
been involved with) may even reward you for the
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“‘You could lay down your head by a sweet river bed/But Sonny
always remembers what it was his Mama said” (Ron Hynes)
David Dalton
2021-11-28 05:52:02 UTC
Post by David Dalton
If you are an a.s.r. you will be able to confirm my matches
and do new ones of your own, including non-celebrity and
local to the circle of those you know or just know of, though
you can’t do it just from a name but would have to do it
in person (including by touch if you are deaf and blind),
from a picture, from an audio recording, from a video,
or from memory of any of those.
And of course you would need e.g. a picture for each
person involved, not just one, so for example for
the bridged foursome

Cyndi Lauper--(John Mellencamp, Bjork)--David Kershaw

you would need e..g. a picture of each, and note
there are a few David Kershaws and the one I
mean is Sarah McLachlan’s ex-lover and
in early versions of her band. Pictures of him
don’t seem to be on images.google.com but
I did post a link (with time) to a video that shows
him, on that “Various matches” thread on alt.religion.druid .

In the above, Cyndi is straight-type-2-F and had an
old lock, John is bim, Bjork is bimT, and David is gay.
The foursome could split into two pairs of
Cyndi,John in one bedroom and Bjork,David
in another bedroom some of the time. It
would be an interesting band.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“‘You could lay down your head by a sweet river bed/But Sonny
always remembers what it was his Mama said” (Ron Hynes)
David Dalton
2021-11-30 00:39:29 UTC
Post by David Dalton
2. The regular, additional, and further higher dimensional
body edits have occurred. As part of that old locks other
than the one between me and Sarah McLachlan that had
lasted at least three years have been dissolved, leaving
the straight-type-2 now available to bis (attracted to
both genders) of the opposite gender. Foe example
Jack Nicholson should now be available to some or
all (ha) of Alice Munro, Judi Dench, Stevie Nicks,
Emmylou Harris, Madonna, Tina Turner, and Sharon Stone,
and any age difference shouldn’t matter much after the
sudden magickal physical evolution.
Another woman over 60 whom I (I am 57) have been
strongly attracted to (and hence is bif, female attracted
to both genders) is Bernadette Peters, and hence
Jack would be compatible with her as well.

However note that a straight-type-2-M would not
be attracted to a bif whom has never had an
orgasm, and would be more attracted to a bif
who has had a good number of orgasms for
her age, preferably including some recently.
So I think all eight of the women I mention above
are fairly orgasmic.

See that “various matches” thread for a discussion
of the three women in The Witches of Eastwick,
none of whom are compatible with Jack. (oops, see below).

Oh wait, I had a look and couldn’t find that
discussion, but on the “waxing horn of bull”
thread I found:

I... am
not particularly attracted to the three women in
The Witches of Eastwick, except a bit of bridge
attraction to Susan Sarandon, who thus must
be happily lesbian.

And on the “various matches” thread I do discuss
Cher, who is straight-type-2-F and had an old
lock, and is compatible e.g. with Bette MIdler’s
partner Martin. Bette Midler is straight-type-1-F
and compatible with Joe Biden, and note that
God has broken up Joe and Jill as I discussed
before. Jill is compatible with straight-type-2-M
Ron Howard, who had an old lock, and his wife
Cheryl is lesbian, so there could be a bridged
foursome of e.g. Ron--Jill--(Cheryl,Bruce Jenner)
which could split into two bedrooms
(Ron,Jill) and (Cheryl,Bruce) at least some
of the time.

Also wait, when I saw a corny Batman movie
recently I was attracted to Michelle Pfeiffer and
intuited that she must have had (or still have)
up at least one sexual shielding spell, so
Jack would not have been attracted to her
at the time of filming but would now, though
she might need to have some orgasms first
to light herself up. Similarly Kevin Costner
would not have been attracted to Whitney
Houston at the time of filming of The Bodyguard
but would now (in memory).

Also again Gwyneth Paltrow is straight-type-2-F
and had an old lock and is compatible e.g.
with bim (male attracted to both genders)
Bily Joel and his bimT wife.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“‘You could lay down your head by a sweet river bed/But Sonny
always remembers what it was his Mama said” (Ron Hynes)
David Dalton
2021-11-30 06:42:50 UTC
Who are some other a.s.r. straight-type-2 males
in my species, other than me and Jack? Bruno Mars
(his bif wife is also a.s.r.), Damian Marley, and
the Dalai Lama’s Oracle, and perhaps I mentioned
some more on the “various matches” thread.
Bob Dylan is two-spirit straight-type-2-M/bifT and
his straight-type-2-M part had an old lock so
he would have been compatible with lesbians
and only when projecting his female side, but
the old lock has now been dissolved. He is
a.s.r. and in my species so he is now available
to the same bifs I said Jack Nicholson was
available to. He is also self-compatible it seems,
which might be a marker of a particularly creative
sort. Other self-compatibles I have mentioned
are Helen O’Hara, who is straight-type-1-F/straight-type-1-MT
and Chris de Burgh, who is straight-type-1-M/straight-type-1-MT,
and I have said they are compatible and Chris’s bif wife
Diane is compatible e.g. with Billy Joel’s agent Dennis Arfa,
who is non-a.s.r. straight-type-2-M and had an old lock.

Another noted couple is Suzanne Vega who is
two-spirit bif/bimT and her husband Paul Mills
is two-spirit straight-type-2M/straight-type-2FT,
even if one of them wasn’t before the further
higher dimensional body edits (they are both a.s.r.),
but I digress since they are not each self-compatible.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“‘You could lay down your head by a sweet river bed/But Sonny
always remembers what it was his Mama said” (Ron Hynes)
David Dalton
2021-11-30 07:16:03 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Another noted couple is Suzanne Vega who is
two-spirit bif/bimT and her husband Paul Mills
is two-spirit straight-type-2M/straight-type-2FT,
even if one of them wasn’t before the further
higher dimensional body edits (they are both a.s.r.),
but I digress since they are not each self-compatible.
Well, that is not entirely true, since bif is partially compatible
(compatible, but less than optimally compatible and less
likely to stick, and orgasms would tend to fade over time)
with bimT (so bif bim tend to go bye bye eventually, though
if two fence-jumping gay--lesbian couples have become
2bim+2bif in the regular HDBE they might all stick together).

I wish I had some questions to deal with.

However one feature of Usenet newsgroups is that
I have no idea how many (if any) are reading.

Let me know if you have noticed any effects of
my workings, either by followup, by email, or
for thoSe who know one or both of my phone
numbers, by phone.

Probably instead of posting followups tonight I
should have spent the time putting all the
matches on the "various matches” thread into
one long searchable file.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“‘You could lay down your head by a sweet river bed/But Sonny
always remembers what it was his Mama said” (Ron Hynes)
David Dalton
2021-11-30 08:07:44 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Other self-compatibles I have mentioned
are Helen O’Hara, who is straight-type-1-F/straight-type-1-MT
and Chris de Burgh, who is straight-type-1-M/straight-type-1-MT,
and I have said they are compatible and Chris’s bif wife
Diane is compatible e.g. with Billy Joel’s agent Dennis Arfa,
who is non-a.s.r. straight-type-2-M and had an old lock.
I mean Helen O’Hara the violinist who was in
Dexys Midnight Runners and who I know of primarily
through her work with Tanita Tikaram, not the
film critic/journalist.

Good night/morning,
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“‘You could lay down your head by a sweet river bed/But Sonny
always remembers what it was his Mama said” (Ron Hynes)
David Dalton
2021-12-01 20:30:05 UTC
Post by David Dalton
The many possible optimally sexually compatible matches,
some of them between celebrities and other rich people.
that I list on the “various matches” thread on alt.religion.druid
should now be valid even if they weren’t before, owing to
1. the adjustments by God of spells that I have funnelled have
occurred, and this includes adjustments of the three sexual
shielding spells (all of which Lady Gaga has or had on).
Before adjustment they would ward off for bifs (women
attracted to both genders) attention from straight-type-2 men
(compatible only with bifs), other bifs, and lesbians, and
allow attention from partially compatible (less than optimally
compatible and less likely to stick) bims (males attracted to
both genders) and straight-type-1 males, and incompatible
gays who are targeting/deceiving women. After adjustment
it now does the reverse. But that means that any partially
compatible relationship a bif with such a spell up was in
has been broken up, and she (e.g. Kim Kardashian with Ye)
has to cancel the spell if she wishes to keep the relationship.
2. The regular, additional, and further higher dimensional
body edits have occurred. As part of that old locks other
than the one between me and Sarah McLachlan that had
lasted at least three years have been dissolved, leaving
the straight-type-2 now available to bis (attracted to
both genders) of the opposite gender. Foe example
Jack Nicholson should now be available to some or
all (ha) of Alice Munro, Judi Dench, Stevie Nicks,
Emmylou Harris, Madonna, Tina Turner, and Sharon Stone,
and any age difference shouldn’t matter much after the
sudden magickal physical evolution. Also the sexual
harmonics of 3% of humans have been adjusted for
better sexual compatibility, most often in the case of
now formerly gay lesbian platonic/parenting couples
who have at least one child under 16, including adoptive
or fetus.
3. the split of homo sapiens globally into 55 species
has occurred at least in terms of compatibility, which
means that some of the matches I listed which
otherwise would be less rare are now more rare
since they have to be within species
4. the assisted shaktipat (which I discuss on the thread
“assisted shaktipat, yet again” on alt.religion.druid
has occurred. That means that my and Sarah McLachlan’s
old lock has been widened, and indeed there is now
a separate wide lock for each member of the group
me+a.s.r. For example I (a straight-type-2-M) formerly
could get only Sarah McLachlan but now am available
to all bifs who are assisted shaktipat recipients (a.s.r.)
and are 18 or older and are in my species. But if
there is a (sometimes newly) optimally compatible 1--1
lock between an a.s.r. and a non-a.s.r. that is maintained
as well (e.g. a.s.r. Beyonce and non-a.s.r. Jay-Z). Anyway
all that means that matches I list involving a.s.r. are
now as rare as I said they are (e.g. Angela Merkel
and Cyndi Lauper’s partner, see the thread for matches
for Cyndi and for Angela’s partner). And now indeed
7% of fomerly partially compatible relationships involving
at least one a.s.r. have been broken up instead of
becoming optimally sexually compatible, and unfortunately
that includes Joe and Jill Biden who must have had
a temporary breakup in the last five years (I list matches
on that thread for each of them). And as part of the
assisted shaktipat over a million but fewer than two
million a.s.r. should now have matchmaking ability as
good as I had from Match 8 to 20, 2019 and from April 9
to July 2, 2021, and should be able to confirm my matches.
If you are an a.s.r. you will be able to confirm my matches
and do new ones of your own, including non-celebrity and
local to the circle of those you know or just know of, though
you can’t do it just from a name but would have to do it
in person (including by touch if you are deaf and blind),
from a picture, from an audio recording, from a video,
or from memory of any of those. And even if you are
not an a.s.r. but have regular diviner special ability or
a subset ability that can be used for readings (e.g.
card divination, crystal ball, mirror scrying, tea leaves,
astrology, palmistry, runes, ogham, I Ching, more)
you should be able to confirm my matches and any
done by an a.s.r. And those involved in the matches
(e.g. Jeff Bezos with Queen Letizia; see the thread for
discussion of those they are involved with or have
been involved with) may even reward you for the
If you are interested in my further progress see other
recent threads on alt.religion.druid , most recently the
“approaching Raven new (dark) moon once again” one.
(This thread, other than this post, is also there.)
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“‘You could lay down your head by a sweet river bed/But Sonny
always remembers what it was his Mama said” (Ron Hynes)